The Ten Commandments (CASH, JOHNNY) lyrics 您所在的位置:网站首页 ten commandments中文翻译 The Ten Commandments (CASH, JOHNNY) lyrics

The Ten Commandments (CASH, JOHNNY) lyrics

2024-06-18 02:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Moses led God's children out to find the promised land 摩西带领神的儿女去寻找乐土

And on the way he'd stop each day and look to Heaven and 在路上,他会停的每一天,看看天堂和

Asked God for help as he could not withstand the task alone 问上帝的帮助,因为他无法独自承受的任务

And then one day he looked away and thereby lay a stone 后来有一天,他扭过头去,从而奠定了石头

God said write upon this stone these words I say to you 上帝说写在这块石头这些话我对你说

And if you all obey my rules I'll see you safely through 如果你都遵守我的规矩,我会看到你安全度过

God opened Heaven's door and then He guided Moses' hands 神敞开天上的门,然后他引导摩西的手

And then He said go and tell my children these are my commands 然后他说,去告诉我的孩子们这是我的命令

Go and climb that mountain Moses climb that mountain now and pray 去攀登那座山摩西,现在爬那座山,祈祷

Climb that mountain now and tell us what our Lord has had to say 现在爬上了山,告诉我们,我们的主不得不说

Thou shalt have no Gods before me is my great command 你不可有我的神就是我的伟大的命令之前,

And thou shalt not make any graven image by thy hand 你必不被你的手作任何偶像

Thou shalt not take my name in vain if thou would guiltless be 不可妄称我的名字是徒劳,如果你想成为无罪

Remember thou to keep the sabbath day alone for me 记住你要守安息日单独为我

Honor thy father and thy mother and thou shalt not kill 尊敬你父亲和你母亲,你必不杀

Thou shalt not commit adult'ry and thou shalt not steal 你不可犯adultry和不可偷盗

Love thy neighbor as thyself and show thy neighbor peace 爱人如己,并显示你的邻居和平

Covet not thy neighbor's house nor anything that's his 不贪图你的邻居的房子,也没有什么,就是他

Go and climb that mountain... 去攀登那座山...

Moses showed these words of God to all the children then 摩西表明神的这句话给所有的孩子再

They pulled up stakes and headed out to find the promised land 他们拉起的股份,并出发去寻找乐土

That Moses had described to them and told of comforts there 摩西曾形容他们,并告诉舒适的有

The children of oppression thought they'd not find anywhere 压迫的孩子们觉得他们会不会发现任何地方

But they were soon to part from him and push alone awhile 但他们很快就部分来自他独自推一段时间

For it was never meant for him to walk that final mile 因为它根本配不上他走这最后一公里

The children cried if we must go on Moses without you 孩子哭了,如果我们必须继续摩西没有你

Then talk to God just one more time and tell us what to do 然后再跟上帝只有一个更多的时间,告诉我们该怎么做

Go and climb that mountain... 去攀登那座山...

Thou shalt have no Gods before me... 你不可有神在我面前...






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